A Follow-up Message From Dean Cavanaugh on Solidarity and Commitment

This has been a time of much pain, anger, rage, and increased trauma as many thousands across the nation demand change and an end to institutions and practices that have for too long dehumanized individuals and communities of color. I want to take a moment to pause and honor the pain and trauma that you feel and your commitment to social justice.I would like, as well, to follow-up with you and to let you know of continuing actions being undertaken as we move forward together in ensuring that our programs and curricula here at Silberman are embedded in a social justice analysis, so that we fully teach the ethics of our profession as social workers.

Message from the Dean

Through this ever evolving public health crisis, we have been sending you many emails updating you about changes to your instruction and field learning. We have written to you to ensure you have the necessary hardware and software tools you needed to enter your virtual classrooms fully armed to be successful. Our goal was to be sure you had all the information you needed to be fully prepared as we moved ahead. As social work educators, the quality of your learning is of extraordinary importance to us.It would not be an understatement to say that we have worked tirelessly to ensure that your education remains of the same high quality. And through all of this, we have carried you with us every day through these turbulent times.

Matthew Caron – Weekday Grants Manager, Weekend Healthcare Hero

Five days a week, Matthew Caron administers Silberman ten million dollar portfolio of externally funded grants and contracts. But every weekend, he puts on his paramedic uniform and joins the thousands of healthcare workers who provide lifesaving assistance to the city’s citizens. This work has become even more challenging as the city struggles to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. We asked Matthew to tell us about his weekend job.

Update Regarding COVID-19

(Updated May 1, 2020)

The Silberman building is currently closed.

Throughout this public health emergency, we remain committed to our students successfully completing the spring semester and to supporting our faculty’s ongoing teaching, scholarship, and research. All in-person classes and field placements have been suspended and ongoing instruction will use remote methods.We continue to focus on the transition to remote learning and are confident that we can continue to deliver the high-quality instruction that meets our professional standards.

Field Placement Update

In light of the extraordinary public health emergency, we have requested approval from the State to temporarily reduce the field practicum hours required for successful completion of MSW requirements for all students eligible for such a reduction. So far, we have received approval to reduce the number of hours for the two year MSW timeframe graduating students.We are aware that CSWE recently announced a further potential reduction in the minimum required field hours. However, this has not been approved by NYSED. We will provide further information as it becomes available.

Field Education updates for students and community partners —>

Jama Shelton Tapped for Emerging Scholar Award

Assistant Professor Jama Shelton has received the 2019 Emerging Scholar Award from the Association for Community Organization and Social Action (ACOSA). The award, presented at the annual program meeting of the Council on Social Work Education held in Denver, recognizes pre-tenure faculty who are doing meritorious work in the areas of community organizing, planning, social administration, organizational development, community development, social action, and social change.

Ring the Alarm: The Crisis of Black Youth Suicide in America

Professor Michael Lindsey of New York University’s Silver School of Social Work delivered an invited lecture entitled RING THE ALARM: The Crisis of Black Youth Suicide in America at Silberman on February 4.The lecture, timed to coincide with Black History Month, focused attention on disturbing increases in suicidal behavior among African-American children between the ages of five and eleven. In addition to summarizing a growing body of epidemiologic data, Professor Lindsay discussed efforts he and colleagues are making to bring greater attention to this problem as well as their policy advocacy efforts at the state and national levels.

Child Protection in the Former Soviet States

Associate Professor Ilze Earner served as co-organizer and opening speaker at an international conference on the development of child protection systems in the post-Soviet states held in Moscow. The conference brought together for the first time representatives from thirteen former Soviet states to discuss developments in child protection policy, program and practice that have occurred since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Professor Dan Herman published by The Council on Social Work Education

The Council on Social Work Education has released a Curricular Guide for Addressing Homelessness, the newest addition to a series intended to provide curriculum tools for baccalaureate and masters’ social work programs nationally. The guide was created thanks to a partnership with the National Center for Excellence in Homeless Services, a consortium of schools of social work, and generous funding provided by the New York Community Trust.