Associate Dean Gerald P. Mallon Receives National Adoption Excellence Award in Washington, D.C. Ceremony


On Thursday, November 16 in Washington, D.C., the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) presented its 2017 Adoption Excellence Award to Dr. Gerald P. Mallon – the Julia Lathrop Professor of Child Welfare and Associate Dean for Scholarship and Research at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College.

Dr. Mallon (pictured) received this distinguished award alongside fellow honorees at HHS’s National Adoption Month Celebration, held in the nation’s capital. The ceremony is available on the HHS YouTube channel: Part I and Part II (Dr. Mallon’s recognition is in Part II, from minute 18:10).

Community Navigators in Service to the East Harlem Community

Community Navigators Program StaffHunter College is pleased to partner with the Manhattan DA’s Office adding to our already extensive engagement with the East Harlem community. With funding from them Hunter will play a key role in this important community based initiative by planning and developing the Community Navigator Program at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College.

Silberman Shines for Hunter’s Honors Undergrads

FullSizeRender2Last Thursday, the Silberman School of Social Work proudly welcomed Hunter College sophomores and juniors in the Macaulay Honors College and Hunter Honors Scholars cohorts to its East Harlem campus, as part of an exciting inter-disciplinary event.

Hosted by Hunter College President Jennifer J. Raab, these outstanding undergraduate students came to learn more about the array of Hunter programs, departments, and initiatives based in East Harlem, while enjoying fine barbecue fare and sunny Summer weather to match.

Frueauff-Children’s Village Scholarship Recipients

Frueauff Scholarship Recipients 2017

The Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College, in partnership with The Children’s Village, proudly recognizes its 2017-2018 Charles A. Frueauff Foundation Scholarship Recipients (pictured, left to right):

Jonaly Alejandro (First-Year; Organizational Management and Leadership)
Katrina Lopez (First-Year; Clinical Practice)
Hector Hernandez (Second-Year; Community Organizing, Planning and Development)
Kristina Coleman (Second-Year; Organizational Management and Leadership)

Heralding Silberman!

social_work_bldgWe have just concluded an outstanding academic year at the Silberman School of Social Work! I am very grateful for – and inspired by – all of your dedicated work, talent, and commitment to our School community throughout the year. The past month has been particularly exciting, with many notable events and achievements to celebrate. I am so very pleased to share some recent highlights with you all: 

Congratulations to the Silberman School of Social Work Class of Spring 2017!

IMG_0118_web_homesliderOn Tuesday, May 30, the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College proudly graduated its Class of Spring 2017 in a stirring Recognition Ceremony at Hunter’s historic Assembly Hall.

A record-setting 443 graduates took part in the ceremony. They represented Silberman’s Two-Year Full-Time, One Year Residency (work-study), Accelerated and Advanced Standing programs; two dual-degree programs; three Practice Methods; and five Field of Practice Specializations.

Silberman’s Leora Shudofsky Receives Hunter College Presidential Award for Excellence

me_RTThe Silberman School of Social Work warmly congratulates our colleague Leora Shudofsky, who has received a Hunter College Presidential Award for Excellence – The Cecile B. Insdorf Award for Excellence in Teaching for Part-Time Faculty.

Leora has been a valued member of the Hunter College social work community for nearly a decade, as the Co-Director of PROVE: Project for Return and Opportunity in Veteran’s Education and a part-time faculty member.

Silberman School of Social Work’s Heather Armijo Wins Fulbright English Teaching Award

Heather ArmijoCarrying on the Silberman School of Social Work’s tradition of cross-cultural engagement, second-year Clinical Practice MSW student Heather Armijo has received the Fulbright English Teaching Award to teach college-level English in Colombia. A hallmark of the Fulbright Foundation’s travel scholarship portfolio, this prestigious award places Americans in school settings around the world, where they help teach English and facilitate cultural exchange.

For Heather, the award presents a unique chance to strengthen her capacity as a globally engaged social worker.