Writing Program

The Silberman School of Social Work offers a comprehensive writing program designed to support academic excellence and professional development. The Silberman Writing Program (SWP) provides support services to enhance student writing in the classroom as well as writing and presenting in the field.

Students may personally request one-on-one tutoring or be referred by a faculty member or advisor. The program’s professional staff will work to address the individual needs of students, helping them to do the following:

  • Organize Their Papers
  • Master APA Use
  • Proofread and Edit Their Essays
  • Understand Scholarly Articles
  • Avoid Becoming Overwhelmed

Throughout each semester, the program also offers workshops, handouts, and podcasts addressing topics of common interest to students, including the following:

  • Reading and Understanding Assignments
  • Structuring and Writing Research Papers
  • Avoiding Plagiarism and Mastering the Art of APA Citations
  • Writing for the Field (e.g., process recordings, progress notes, etc.)
  • Preparing Resumes and Cover Letters
  • Editing and Submitting for Publication

Check the Silberman Writing Program section of Blackboard (located in the SSSW Information Corner) for all handouts, podcasts, and additional resources.

Students can also schedule appointments on-line through Blackboard or by visiting ssswwriting.youcanbook.me (for weekdays) and ssswwriting2.youcanbook.me (for evenings and weekends). Tutoring is provided at Silberman in room 717 (weekdays) and on the Fourth Floor (evenings and weekends). If it is more convenient for students, they may continue to use the services of Hunter College’s Reading/Writing Center at 68th Street.

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Writing Program Webpage