Wang, Yi | LMSW| PhD
Phone: (212) 396-7546
Email: yw1279@hunter.cuny.edu
Areas of Expertise:
Structural determinants of maternal and child health
Social policy analysis
Inequality in child development and well-being
Child poverty
Child maltreatment
PhD, Columbia University
Master of Philosophy, Columbia University
Master of Science in Social Work, Columbia University
Social Welfare Policy
Download CV (PDF)
Wang, Y., Berger, L., Durrance, C., Kirby, R. S., Kuo, D., Pac, J., & Ehrenthal, D. B. (2023). Duration and Timing of In Utero Opioid Exposure and Incidence of Neonatal Withdrawal Syndrome. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 10-1097.
Wang, Y., Zhang, L., & Zhai, F. (2023). Spanking and parental verbal aggression during early childhood: Association with later academic achievement and the mediating role of executive function. Infant and Child Development. https://doi.org/10.1002/icd.2446.
Bo, A., Durand, B., & Wang, Y. (2022) Parent-involved racial/ethnic socialization programs for children and adolescents of color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.00); line-height: 1.2;">Children and Youth Service Review, 144, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2022.106750.
Gao, Q., & Wang, Y. (2022). Zhongguo ertong duowei pinkun de shuiping, qushi, yu moshi yanjiu [Levels, trends, and patterns of multidimensional child poverty in China: Evidence from CHIP 2013 and 2018 data]. Chinese Social Security Review, 6(3), 98–123.
Wang, Y., Zhai, F., Gao, Q., & Wang, Y. (2021). Disparities in child cognitive skills by parental education in China: The roles of socio-demographics and parenting. International Journal of Educational Research, 110, 101875. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2021.101875
With a background in social work and economics, Dr Wang’s research focuses on understanding and addressing early childhood inequalities in development and well-being. Drawing on a developmental perspective, Dr. Wang examines how the mechanism of ecological environment (e.g., parenting, early childhood education, school, and neighborhood) is associated with child development and wellbeing. Another indispensable part of her research delves into the efficacy of safety-net policies in supporting children and families living in adverse environments.
Currently, Yi is expanding her research to investigate prenatal factor, such as maternal substance use and mental health, that could further contribute to developmental disparities among children. Leveraging her expertise in causal inference analysis, she is also evaluating the impact of Covid-19 related social welfare policies—such as the Expanded Child Tax Credit and Eviction Moratorium—on preventing child maltreatment.