Brown, Adam | LCSW | PhD
Phone: (212) 396-7553
Office: 422
Email: ab4056@hunter.cuny.edu
Sexual abuse prevention
Intersection of child welfare and juvenile justice
Assessment and treatment of problem sexual behaviors among youth and young adults
Clinical practice with youth and families
Ph.D., The University of Chicago
M.S.W., Smith College School for Social Work
Clinical Practice I & III
Human Behavior in the Social Environment III
Download CV (PDF)
Brown, A. and Glickman, J. (2024). What Master of Social Work students with a child welfare focus need to know about youth who sexually harm. Child Welfare.
Brown, A. (2023). When kids hurt kids: Working with youth who have sexually harmed. In T. Huizar & P. DiLorenzo (Eds.) Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Investigation (pp. 45 – 72). Washington D.C.: Child Welfare League of America Press.
Gau, J., Zilberstein, K., Brown, A., and English, M. (2023). The Quality of Collaboration with Child Welfare Scale (Q-CCW): Development and Validation. Developmental Child Welfare, 5(4), 161 – 172.
Brown, A. and Yoder, J. (2022). Symptoms of post-traumatic stress and sexual concerns: The intermediary effects of executive functioning on profiles of youth who have sexually harmed. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 37(21-22), NP20236 – NP20258.
Brown, A. and Gardner, E. (2022). Families, mental health, and delinquency: Testing sexual crime typologies of youth who sexually harm.Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 20(3), 250 – 275.
Dr. Brown’s current research focuses on reducing interpersonal violence and sexual abuse.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS-22-TTP-132-00-01) - September 2022-September 2024
Drama Club: Sparking Creative Problem-Solving for Violence Prevention
Principal Investigator for sub-award
P.I.s: Drs. Heather McCauley & Joanne Smith-Darden
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (U01CE003395) - September 2021-September 2025
Mobilizing Communities to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
P.I.s: Drs. Heather McCauley & Joanne Smith-Darden
Professional Staff Congress- CUNY Research Award (62803-00-50) - July 1, 2019-December 2022 (protracted timeline due to pandemic)
Drama Club Apprentices: Sparking a Vision for Leadership
Principal Investigator