Silberman Center for Gender & Sexuality
The Silberman Center for Sexuality and Gender (SCSG) is the first scholarly center in the United States focusing on sexuality and gender housed within a school of social work. It is based at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College, (CUNY) – New York’s oldest and largest public school of social work. Building upon a core institutional mission of academic excellence in the public interest, SCSG engages and develops research, educational, and community-based projects and programs to inform socially just understandings of sexuality and gender. The Center is a vital hub for the creation of sex-positive, gender-inclusive social work practice and research environments and a more inclusive, informed society from the individual to the public policy levels.
Community Navigators Program
The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office (DANY) is making investments to connect individuals to the resources and services they need to prevent future crime and re-victimization in order to make a strong impact on public safety over a long period of time. In partnership with Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College and the Institute for State and Local Government, DANY is investing in a program to recruit and train Community Navigators who will focus on working in East Harlem with youth (ages 14 to 21) who are at risk of becoming involved in the justice system, and with people affected by domestic violence.
National Center for Child Welfare Excellence
The NCCWE takes a broad child welfare perspective, embracing an interest in policies and practices that promote the well-being, safety, and permanency of all children and youths while devoting special attention to those facing significant challenges in their environments. Our perspective also encompasses their families and their communities, recognizing that we cannot improve circumstances for children and youths without engaging families and these key systems of care.
The Center for the Advancement of Critical Time Intervention
The Center for the Advancement of Critical Time Intervention (CACTI) advances the dissemination of CTI, an evidence-based care-coordination model that strengthens support for vulnerable people during times of transition in their lives. Through its global network, the Center promotes collaboration among CTI practitioners, trainers, and researchers on promising adaptations and enhancements to the model.
Silberman Aging: A Hartford Center of Excellence in Diverse Aging 
Silberman Aging: A Hartford Center of Excellence in Diverse Aging, funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation and one of five Centers of Excellence in Geriatric Social Work across the country, builds upon the Silberman School of Social Work’s existing strengths in gerontology. Silberman Aging promotes inter-professional, community focused leadership in social work in aging by developing and supporting initiatives through its intersecting Education, Training and Lifelong Learning, Research, and Policy and Practice departments. All of the Center’s activities support healthy aging among older adults, with an emphasis on developing and disseminating knowledge on the complex needs of racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, and LGBT older adults.
Project for Return and Opportunity in Veterans Education
The Project for Return and Opportunity in Veterans Education (PROVE) was founded to serve student veterans by assisting their transition from military service to college life and beyond. PROVE’s goal is to help improve retention and graduation rates among student veterans by working with student veterans and utilizing their special skills and talents.