Field Evaluations

At the end of each semester, field instructors complete a comprehensive evaluation of the student(s) they supervise in the agency setting, called the Field Practicum Evaluation. The evaluation criteria are based on the CSWE Educational Policies and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) and Practice Behaviors.

  • Evaluations for the fall semester must be completed by early December.
  • Evaluations for the spring semester must be completed by early May.

It is the field instructor’s responsibility to complete the Field Practicum Evaluation for each student they supervise. The evaluation is designed to be a fully transparent assessment based on dialogue between the field instructor and the student. The student should be given a copy of the completed Field Practicum Evaluation form and complete a separate self-assessment as well. The student’s field advisor should also be given a copy of the completed Field Practicum Evaluation and may also assist the field instructor, as needed, to understand and apply Silberman’s field performance expectations.

Once completed, please share the form(s) with the Field Advisor. They are responsible for assigning and submitting the final field grades.

Field Practicum Evaluation Forms

Instructions for completion and submission of the student evaluations


  1. Download the correct form:
    1. Foundational-Level: First year, 18 month (Accelerated), and first semester OYR students should download the first form
    2. Advanced Level form by Method: Second year, Advanced Standing and second semester OYR students
  2. Complete page 2 identifying information (name, etc. adviser information essential)
  3. Complete page 16 the self-evaluation
  4. Save as name, semester and year- (i.e. Jsmith.F23Eval) and send to field instructor.

Field Instructors:

  1. Review Student identifying information and student self-evaluation
  2. Complete and SAVE your assessment (don’t forget to save the document)
  3. Meet to review with students, type in your signature
  4. Submit Online
  5. Complete the submission form (you will need the advisers name and email address from page 2 of the evaluation)
  6. Upload the file by clicking on Choose File button (browse your computer to identify saved document then hit enter)
  7. Click Submit

Field Practicum Evaluation Form (all Methods)

Complete this form for all FIRST YEAR Full Time students and FIRST SEMESTER OYR and Dual Bank St. Students – ALL METHODS

Clinical Practice with Individuals, Families & Small Groups

Complete this form for all SECOND YEAR Full Time Students and SECOND SEMESTER OYR and Dual Bank St. Students – CLINICAL METHOD

Community Organizing, Planning & Development (COP&D)

Complete this form for all SECOND YEAR Full Time Students and SECOND SEMESTER OYR and Dual Bank St. Students – COP&D METHOD

Organizational Management and Leadership (OML)

Complete this form for all SECOND YEAR Full Time Students and SECOND SEMESTER OYR and Dual Bank St. Students – OML METHOD



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Field Evaluations Webpage