BSW Guidelines for Assignments and Recordings

Internship (Task/Work) Assignments

Internship Field assignments can include direct client contact, group work, telephone calls, meetings and preparation for groups, collateral work, completion of agency paperwork, home visits, organizing and administrative assignments). Time will also be allotted within the timeframe of a student’s tenure at an agency weekly for individual supervision, process recordings, and staff/team meetings, conferences, or trainings.

Field instructors should prepare students for each new assignment, helping them to “tune into” and anticipate client’s perceptions and feelings or those of other staff or community representatives. Students should not be asked to meet with clients on the first day of field placement and should be moved into assignments gradually. However, it is advisable that students meet with their first client or begin with an assigned project no later than the 4th day of field placement. Field instructors should initiate contact with the Academic/Field Advisor if there are delays in making assignments. Students learn from doing and delays in beginning work may affect the ability to integrate class material with practice experiences, or to course complete assignments.

Student Workload Distribution

The distribution of work within the scope of a student’s junior year pre-practicum field experience is guided by the competency-based course assignments of the Practice/Learning Lab courses.

In the formal field practicum year senior students’ field work assignments increase and offer a variety of experiences to deepen multi-system practice experiences and to strengthen behaviors in all nine foundational competencies.

The Integrative Field seminar course assignments and class work focus on the integration of theory and practice by drawing heavily on the students’ field work assignments and providing opportunities for students to demonstrate the application of competencies.

Junior year students complete one hundred hours (100) pre-practicum field experience each semester. The field assignments are guided by the expectations of the Practice Lab course which is taken concurrently. The macro and mezzo level assignment within Practice Lab I affords students guided instruction and exposition to agency auspices. Practice lab II introduces students to micro level practice and course assignments that address micro and mezzo system practice. (Please request copies of the syllabi)

Senior year students complete a formal 400-hour field practicum (14 hours/week) over the course of the academic year. Below is a sample workload for students in their senior year field practicum. Note that most student field experiences should be grounded in direct client contact.

Client Contact Activities- Micro, Mezzo, Macro9-10 hours
Individual Supervision1 hour
Process Recording1-2 hours
Staff/team Meetings, Conferences, Trainings2-3 hours

As the major assignment, in the Integrative field seminar course seniors will create a Portfolio. This is a cumulative work assignment completed in the 2nd semester of the Integrative Field seminar courses. It showcases their field practicum learning, their BSW courses, and integration of social work competencies over the two years in the program. The portfolio reflects a compilation of field work experiences and course work including research material, journal articles, class assignments and presentations with the goal of self- discovery as a professional and acclimation to NYC agency-based generalist social work practice.

Field Instructors complete the Junior-Year Pre-Practicum Performance Evaluation Form for the BSW first year students in both the fall and spring semester. Field Instructors and students must collaborate in the completion of the evaluation.

Field Instructors complete the Senior Year Field Performance Evaluation Form for the BSW second year students in both the fall and spring semester. Field Instructors and students must collaborate in the completion of the evaluation.

The Field Instructor will upload the signed document using the link…….