Credit Transfer Policies

Information Regarding Transfer Credits and Waiver Requests

There are a number of different options available to you as a student if you have relevant classes you would like to transfer to Silberman. These courses can include courses taken at Hunter College while enrolled in another masters level program, or other masters level courses taken at an accredited institution (***Please note: in general, only masters level courses not used towards another degree are considered for transfer). Please read through all information below thoroughly before deciding how you would like to proceed. You will see that there are different steps for various requests. Please make sure you are responding appropriately and supplying all required documentation. If you have any questions, please reach out to an academic advisor or a member of the Student Services Department.

Transfer, Waiver, and Prior Graduate Credits

For incoming students entering their first year, a maximum of 12 graduate social work credits may be transferred to the Silberman School of Social Work from another accredited graduate social work program. Transfer credits will be considered for courses only in which grades received are B or better and which were taken within the last 5 years. A maximum of nine non-matriculated credits taken at the SSSW may be counted toward the 12 credit transfer limit. Official transcripts are necessary for all courses except those taken at Hunter. Courses can be transferred only in the context of the School’s requirements. No academic credit is given for life experience or previous work experience.


Instructions for Application to Transfer Credits

Transfer of credit and credit waiver fall under the purview of the Director of Enrollment Management, in accordance with the following procedure:

  1. New and Continuing students seeking to transfer credits must submit the Transfer of Credit Form to the Office of Enrollment Management. The form must be submitted before the start of the semester in which the course they seek to waive or receive credit for commences. The Transfer of Credit Request Form is available here. Students may also obtain this form directly from the Office of Enrollment Management.
  2. The student must complete the Transfer of Credit Form, and attach:
    1. Copy of official transcript(s) reflecting the courses under consideration, except for courses taken at Hunter College;
    2. Syllabi for all courses under consideration, including courses taken at Hunter College;
    3. Any additional, relevant supporting documentation.
  3. The student must indicate whether the courses under consideration are intended to count toward elective or required Silberman School of Social Work credits. If being presented in lieu of required course credits, the student must write the titles of the SSSW equivalent courses.
  4. No Undergraduate Research Courses will be accepted for Transfer of Credit or Waiver.
  5. Students wanting to waive out of Research II need to have a B or better in Research I (must have an “approved graduate level equivalent” class taken within the past 5 years, with transcript showing proof of grade); students need to have a B or better in Research II (or an approved equivalent taken within the past 5 years, with a transcript showing proof of grade). ADDITIONALLY, they need to submit a copy of their graded Research II or equivalent project, and a 2-page reflection statement of how the research problem addressed the needs of participants from a social work and social justice perspective.
  6. The student submits their completed credit transfer request to the Office of Enrollment Management, which monitors the request’s processing and return.
  7. Once the Office of Enrollment Management verifies the initial validity of the student’s request, it sends all materials to the appropriate curriculum area Chair for their review and written decision.
  8. The curriculum area Chair reviews the request, and returns a signed decision – approval or denial – to the Office of Enrollment Management and the Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs; Final approval is made by the Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs.
  9. The Office of Enrollment Management informs the student of the final decision.
  10. If the student’s request has been approved:
    1. The Office of Enrollment Management sends all materials (originals) to the Registrar’s Office at Hunter College, where the student’s record is updated; the student will be given duplicates.
    2. The Office of Enrollment Management directs the student to the Director of Student Services for subsequent advisement.

Courses Subject to Waiver or Transfer

Courses that may be considered either for waiver or credit transfer are the first Social Welfare Policy and Services course, (SSW 701), the two required courses in Human Behavior and the Social Environment (SSW 711 and 712), and the Social Work Research courses must be at the graduate level for consideration (SSW 751 and SSW 752). Practice method courses generally cannot be waived.

Note: Waiver of courses does not release a student from the necessity of completing the total number of credits required for the degree. Transfer credits, when approved by the Office of the Dean, can be used toward the degree.

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